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The industry standard for library training tools.

Ordering Information

LibraryTools has two software titles, LC Easy and Dewey Easy, each with two licensing options: Single Machine Download and Site/Network licenses. Download orders placed online are fulfilled within minutes. Site/Network licenses allow for less restricted, building-wide and multi-building deployments, and the Site/Network license includes an installer that does not require touching each machine (.msi installer for Windows, .pkg installer for Mac).

Online payments are processed through Stripe. Add items to your shopping cart, proceed to checkout, provide billing and shipping information, provide payment information through Stripe, and then you'll return to to receive order confirmation.

See LC Easy Licensing Information and Dewey Easy Licensing Information for more information.

Dewey Easy 3.0 Building License
$439.95 first building, $100.00 additional building

Dewey Easy 3.0 Single Machine

LC Easy 4.0 Building License
$439.95 first building, $100.00 additional building

LC Easy 4.0 Single Machine

You may also order using the Order Form PDF (fill out with Adobe Acrobat) to place an order by email or mail. Use the PDF order form to pay by check or purchase order.